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Adult Sunday School

The Sunday school ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church is designed to connect you with a class that is relevant to your stage of life. LBC has a myriad of ways to get involved in ministries, from children's classes to women's groups to adult classes and fellowships. Sunday school classes begin promptly at 10:00 a.m.


Sunday School is a fundamental ministry of Lighthouse Baptist Church.  We believe that the Sunday School is one of the most important times each week to learn more from God’s Word for our lives as Christians.  We encourage all to attend Sunday School so that you can grow spiritually in your Christian Life. We use only the King James Version in all of our classes.


We have a Sunday School class for every age group. From the beautiful nursery facilities, all the way to our adult Bible class, you are sure to find a place for everyone in your family.  Sunday School classes are designed to help you grow as a believer, to have victory in your daily walk with the Lord, and to serve Him with your own unique gifts and talents. You’ll also meet friends for life, people with common needs, people who will encourage you, rejoice with you, and pray with you.


With teachers and assistants that possess a desire to teach and to help others, our Sunday School ministry is an intricate part of the ministry here at Lighthouse Baptist Church.   Every volunteer to work with children in any aspect at Lighthouse Baptist Church have undergone a thorough and secure screening and training program. 




Adults of all ages are invited to attend this class which meets in our sanctuary. If you are seeking strong Bible teaching that will challenge you to grow spiritually, you will receive a blessing from this class. A friendly welcome awaits you.


  •  Men's Ministry


Our men meet periodically for a time of encouragement. We have different activities, meals together, and Bible studies. We also work together on projects around the church periodically. 


  • Ladies Ministry


Our ladies meet monthly for a time of fellowship. We are challenged with a bible truth, share prayer requests, enjoy a snack, and just have fun being together! Throughout the year, we have a few special events for just the ladies, too!


  • YOUTH (7th-12 Grade)


Lighthouse’s Youth Ministry exists to support parents in their efforts to make disciples of their children. We long for every student to treasure Jesus Christ, understand God’s word, and grow in godliness. In our efforts to help this happen we want to supplement and encourage godly training in the home, not replace it.


Today's young people are tomorrow's leaders. Teenagers are faced with decisions and challenges every day. At Lighthouse Baptist Church, we strive to give them a godly place to come where they grow to be the leaders that God wants them to be. Our goal is to provide sound teaching to help strengthen their faith, fellowship to unite them, and activities to provide good, clean fun!  Young people must be taught the clear commandments of God’s Word. The Bible says in 2 Tim 2:2 “And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” 


The purpose of the local church youth ministry is to help equip families with the necessary tools from God’s Word to lay the right foundation for the rest of life. It is not our task to take the place of parents by keeping young people active while separated from home and family. We must work to help entire families serve the Lord together.  Each summer, we attend Bible Camp or Youth Conference!


  • CHILDREN (PreK-6th Grade)


Children are a vital part in our growing church. We believe God has a special plan for each one, and we want to do our part in helping them know and love God. Children are a gift from God. They are given to parents, and it is the responsibility of parents to give their children back to God. Giving a child to God involves first the surrender of the parents’ will to the will of God. We consider it a tremendous privilege and responsibility to teach the next generation about the ways of our great God.  We pray that our children will place their faith in Christ and grow to become men and women who find their greatest joy in obeying and serving the Lord all of their days.  


We believe that the church has a significant role to play in the lives of children, but we recognize that God has entrusted parents with the primary responsibility of shepherding their children.  Therefore, our ministry to children is not isolated from our ministry to their parents.  Instead, we seek to come alongside parents and to reinforce the instruction and discipline we trust they are providing at home.   


We seek to teach children the basic storyline of the Bible and how all of the Bible points to Jesus. Sunday school is one of the primary ways we do this. We also facilitate Scripture memory and character-building lessons.  At Lighthouse Baptist Church, your child will be assigned to a Sunday school class and then to a Children’s Church during the Sunday morning service specifically designed for their age. They will learn the good news of Jesus Christ and how He died for their sins that they may have eternal life. Each summer, we have an exciting Vacation Bible School!


  • NURSERY (Infanct-3 years old) 


Nothing serves as so precious a reminder of God’s blessing to us as the birth of a child. Every newborn baby should have the joy and privilege of being brought into a Christian home. Our nursery consists of a centralized check-in area, and a nursing mother’s area, for children ages birth through 3 years. Our church ladies have volunteered on a rotating schedule to provide a nursery for our services.

The nursery ministry at Lighthouse Baptist Church is committed to serving both children and parents in love.  It is a joy to come alongside parents, nurturing the faith of their children and prayerfully interceding for the next generation. We desire to free parents to engage in corporate worship and practically hear the Word in an undistracted way.  Additionally, we want Lighthouse Baptist parents to feel inspired, well-equipped, encouraged, and supported as they raise their children in the faith.  Our vision and goal in the nursery is not only to serve parents by providing safe, quality childcare, but also to create an atmosphere where the greatness of God and the glory of Jesus Christ are made known even to the smallest baby.



If you have further questions concerning any of our Sunday School classes, please contact us.

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